We are excited to announce that we have created profiles and forums within venture-lab.
Please log into http://venture-lab.org and go to the "EDIT PROFILE" section, click on "PROFILE DETAILS" and then decide how your profile is going to look like to your classmates. Eventually, you will have a chance to add a picture by connecting to facebook. Also, you can update your personal statements and write about the type of class project you want to work on in your profile for others to see.
Second, we are adding Forums within venture-lab. You can use it to ask questions about the platform and discuss the videos and the class start-up project. We also added whole new categories for setting up meet ups! We encourage you to post on the forum, set up meetings, get to know each other, take pictures! and report the results on the class facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ groups/350946004938005/ and there is also a Google+ page for those who want to Hangout https://plus.google.com/b/102279327257897906655/
Now a facebook page as well - https://www.facebook.com/techventurelab
Now a facebook page as well - https://www.facebook.com/techventurelab