Technology Entrepreneurship, 2012
Charles Eesley, Assistant Professor, Stanford University
For help in finding a team go to
The course is divided up into 2 main sections and each section has a team project in the form of a writeup and presentation. The first section is the Opportunity Analysis Project, here you will test whether the startup idea you have is worth pursuing and customers agree with the problem you are solving. The second section is the Opportunity Execution Project, here you test the rest of the aspects of the business model. Each session corresponds to one week. Each session gives you a different aspect of the business model that you should test for that week. Your team should update a blog each week with the hypothesis you tested, what experiment(s) you ran, and what the outcome was.
Due dates:
- 4/16 - assignment 1 (brainstorm best/worst ideas - discuss in teams, submit individually)
- 4/23 - assignment 2 (commercial - team submission)
- May 12th for Identifying the market opportunity and testing your value proposition.
- 5/20 - Opportunity analysis project (team submission) - Your team will brainstorm an idea to work on for a startup project and test that idea with customers and market analysis. You will work on that idea (or you can switch to a new one throughout the remainder of the time.
- 6/19 - Opportunity execution project (final team submission) - same teams and 2nd phase of the OAP, here you will be testing your solution and the rest of the business model
- 6/23 - Personal business plan
Segment 1
Session 1
Course Overview: Silicon Valley and Key Frameworks
- Videos
- Video 1 - Overview (Recommended reading Ch. 1.1, 1.2, 1.5)
- Business models
- Video 2
- Video 3
- Video 4
- Video 5: Building the Team
- Instagram cofounders on Startup Ideas
- Recommended Reading
- Ch. 2.1, 2.4
- The Monk and the Riddle by Randy Komisar, Prologue, Preface, and Chapters 1-3
- Additional Resources (optional)
- "The Secret History of Silicon Valley," Steve Blank, Nov 20, 20008.
- It's Not the People You Know. It's Where You Are, Randall Stross, NYT, Oct 22, 2006.
- "When it Comes to Innovation, Geography is Destiny," Pascal Zachary, NYT, Feb 11, 2007.
- "Growth of a Silicon Empire", Henry Norr.
- Fred Terman at Stanford
- More videos on ECorner on team and culture
Session 2
Creativity and Improvisation
- Videos
- Assignment
- Submit first assignment at or in the comments on these posts "best" ideas and "worst ideas" by 4/16, 12:00pm noon PST (UTC-8)
- Recommended Reading
- Ch. 3.1-3.4, Ch. 5.3-5.5, 6.2, 6.3
- Brainstorming Rules, Stanford Design Institute, Jul 26, 2009.
- Additional Resources
- Brainstorming Fundamentals, Stanford Design Institute
- More videos on ECorner on Creativity
Segment 2
Session 3
From Idea to Opportunity:
- Videos
- Recommended Reading
- Ch. 4.1, 4.4-4.6, 4.8, 9.3-9.4
- Assignment
- Submit 2nd assignment (commercial for another team's worst idea) at by 4/23, 6:00pm (18:00) PST (UTC-8)
- Startup the OAP project
- Your team should update a blog each week with the hypothesis you tested, what experiment(s) you ran, and what the outcome was.
- Additional Resources
Session 4
Customer Development and Lean Startups
- Videos
- Assignment
- Work on OAP (update blog)
- Talk to as many potential customers face to face as possible
- Create a low fidelity version of your website with a splash page and email signup
- Next Deadline: May 12th for Identifying the market opportunity and testing your value proposition
- Recommended Reading
- Browse Steve Blank's blog categories: Customer Development and Customer Development Manifesto
- Browse Eric Ries’ blog posts on customer development
- Ch. 7.1-7.3, 8.1-8.2, 8.4-8.5
- Additional Resources
- "Four Steps to the Epiphany" available on Amazon or at
- More videos on ECorner on product development
Segment 3
Session 5
Entrepreneurial Sales and Marketing
- Videos
- Video 4-4
- Video 4-5 Marketing
- Video 5-2 Sales
- Assignment
- Practice and create your OAP presentation/writeup and video
- Estimate the market size
- Talk to more customers face to face or do a survey
- Update blog
- Recommended Reading
- Additional Resources
- More videos on ECorner on sales and marketing
- The Chasm Group web site, Geoff Moore's marketing strategy consulting firm.
Session 6
OAP Presentations
- Upload to YouTube with "technology entrepreneurship venture lab 2012" as a tag and/or by 5/19
Opportunity Execution Project (OEP)
Segment 4
Session 7
Partnerships and Negotiations
- Video
- Distribution Channels and Partnerships by Alex Rampell, founder and CEO, TrialPay
- Experimenting on Someone Else's Dime
- Assignment
- Work on OEP (specifically partnerships section of the business model)
- Update blog
- Recommended Reading
- Additional Resources
Session 8
Intro to venture finance
- Videos
- Acid Test for Entrepreneurs by Henry Wong
- Assignment
- Work on OEP (test the other aspects of your business model)
- Update blog
- Recommended Reading
- Ch. 13.1, 13.3, 13.7-13.8
- Read entries from Feld's term sheet blog
Liquidation Preference
Board of Directors
Segment 5
Session 9
- Videos
- Venture Finance Workshop Video 1
- Guest lecture by Clint Korver on Boards of Directors
- Assignment
- Work on OEP (think about fundraising)
- Update blog
- Recommended Reading
- Ch. 14.1, 14.3, 15.2, 15.3
- Additional Resources
- Venture Deals: How to be smarter than your lawyer or VC http://searchworks.stanford.
edu/view/9236189 - More videos on ECorner on venture finance
Session 10
- Videos
- Guest lecture by Fergus Hurley - Founder, Focal Labs
- Guest lecture by Eric Case - Co-founder, Domainr
- Assignment
- Work on OEP
- Specifically, test the revenue model
- Update blog
- Recommended Reading
- Ch. 16.1-16.3, 17.1, 17.9
Segment 6
Session 11
Financings and Teams
- Videos
- Venture Finance Video 2
- Venture Finance Video 3
- Assignment
- Work on OEP
- Update blog
- Recommended Reading
- Ch. 18.1, 18.3, 18.8, 19.1-19.3
Session 12
- Videos
- Interview with Andy Bechtolsheim, founder of Sun Microsystems, angel investor, serial entrepreneur
- Interview with Professor David Cheriton
- Assignment
- Work on OEP
- Update blog
- Recommended Reading
Segment 7
Session 13
- OEP Team Presentations
- Upload to YouTube "technology entrepreneurship venture lab 2012" and/or venture-lab by 6/19
Session 14
- Videos
- Course Summary
- Assignment
- Personal Business Plan
- Additional Resources
- Social entrepreneurship
- A Capitalist Jolt for Charity - New York Times
- The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship - J. Gregory Dees
- More videos on ECorner on Social Entrepreneurship
- Suggested chapters from Byers, Dorf, and Nelson, TechnologyVentures: From Idea to Enterprise, 3rd EditionSteve Blank's Startup Owner's Manual