Advice For The Start-Up Entrepreneur
Successful start ups do not not just happen. They are planned and the plan is executed for success.
The organizational culture springs from a simple, yet precise mission statement for the enterprise.
From the mission statement objectives are derived for the culture. An objective is an interim step or milestone by which one measures progress toward the goal. There are usually many objectives in a business plan, hopefully measurable ones, quantitatively and in time. The goal (mission statement) and objectives are specified in the first two sections of the business plan.
The remainder of the plan contains the details for achieving the objectives in route to the goal, thus achieving the enterprise mission.
**Keys to Success
**Company Summary
**Products and Services
**Market Analysis Summary
**Strategy and Implementation Summary
**Management Summary
**Financial Plan
For guidance through SCORE on how to meet each of the above challenges please see the first two links below. You may also wish to download the Biz Info Library Article, "Are You Prepared to Succeed in Business" from the second vertical Box Net Reference cube in the left margin of the third link below. It is an excellent discussion of strategic vision and planning.
* Write A Business Plan
* Sample Business Plans
* Small To Feds