Thursday, May 10, 2012

Videos for Session 5

This week's videos are about entrepreneurial marketing and sales. I'm not giving a specific assignment to hypothesize and test these aspects of your business model since you have the OAP project assignment due soon. But these aspects should eventually be tested and experimented with as well as the videos indicate.

First time here? 
  1. See the class description and frequently asked questions
  2. The course operates according to the flipped class, where team-based, experiential education (learning by doing) is central and video lectures and readings are there for support.
  3. If you'd like, form a team and follow along at, like us on facebook and join the group, or follow the Google+ page.
  4. Start with the intro and course overview videos.
  5. See what some of the teams did for the last assignment and the description of the next assignment.
  6. View the videos for Sessions 1-3 to catch up here.
  7. View the videos for Session 4 here.

Session 5

Entrepreneurial Sales and Marketing