Friday, October 30, 2009

Bringing Entrepreneurial Ideas to Life

Bringing Entrepreneurial Ideas to Life

We just submitted a brand new paper.

Organizational design in the context of new venture development is particularly challenging due to initially severe resource constraints. Deepening our understanding of differential productivity in the startup resource assembly process is therefore important. We address the twin questions of what assets are important to venture performance, and under what conditions are those assets especially important? We do so by considering initial venture idea assets and founder contracting experience. The resource-based view of the firm stresses developing the right assets, which accords with idea assets. Firm boundary theories of the firm emphasize structuring relationships in the right way given a set of organizational assets, which accords with founder contracting experience. Using unique survey data, we find that neither view by itself is as important as both theories taken together. We therefore advance an integrated perspective by showing that new ventures perform better when they both identify valuable resources and also assemble human assets with expertise in structuring organizational arrangements to commercialize those ideas. An important implication is that organizational resources have a range of potential values, and that realizing the upper range of value capture involves the additional ability to structure organizational relationships.

Why Do Start-Up Small Businesses Fail?

Below will give you an idea of why Start-ups fail a lot of times.

However, the first few points will also give you an idea of what VCs look for in a start-up venture before they consider investing. Apart from the below pointers, VCs also look out for the amount of skin the "owners" have in the start-up.

1. The Idea .... The foremost thing is the idea behind starting the venture (business). The foundation of this idea is of primary importance. If it's not given a comprehensive thought and planning .... then it will only see DOOM's DAY.

2. Execution of this plan .... Execution is critical. If done well then one can sail through with a little less money as well. However, this is where most start-ups are blown off.

3. Management .... Amateurs with lack of experience on planning both actions and money, lose out in the race. Most of the time they are at the losing end simply because they are too early in the business ... often because of ROSY pictures painted in their minds (unrealistic and unsupported expectations). This is still better than another worse condition. That being that too often some management of start-up companies have double standards. The idea shown is different from what they actually want to gain. It could be a short term loss making venture that is planned only for quick personal gains. This is the worst scenario.

4. Run-out of Money ..... It depends where the funding is coming from obviously. Venture capitalists today are known to take more than a year to go through the analysis of profitability of an idea. At the same time they are looking at an investment period of a max of 4-5 years and expect aggressive profits. This is a situation that puts pressures on the very vision and forces of the core management team to look for short term gains.

The consequence is, they lose long term vision and slip into "money drains". If the money is coming from conventional HNI investors, then they start looking for early results since there is no understanding of life cycle and the business both. The situation boils down to .... "You said, this would happen. So why has this not happened?" It generally comes within 3-4 months. Lack of patience and fading trust, stops the committed funds that were needed to survive.

5. Run-out of Commitment .... Usually, markets don't perceive new players as genuine long term players because there is so much generalization. This can be thoroughly demotivating. Pressures mount up and investors ratchet up more pressures. This makes the Management Team lose focus completely. So it also looks like they have lost commitment. However, this is not the case many times. It is just that the conducive environment for SUCCESS is snatched away.

6. Investors are those people who invest money for medium/long term gains. These gains have to be spread over time. The better the support system for any business, the better it performs. But, it is strange that no one understands this when it comes to investing in new ventures.

WHY do people not look at long term investment, when it comes to start-ups? All Fortune companies were also start-ups when they began. It is only over a long period of time that they have become so BIG. People will easily play safe by investing money for 25 years in a Govt. company / Fortune company but not start-ups.

There is lack of a belief system. This is one of the big reasons for dooming start-ups. A full fledged support system should be created to ensure success and over a longer time, not just 3-4 years. If the idea is right, SUCCESS is certain. Usually most ideas are good, if implemented properly and are need based. No doubt the risk is high, but gains are even higher.

7. Due to all these factors and a few others, start-up companies have a huge problem in attracting talent. So a big compromise needs to be made on this account. Also, technology may be a cause of concern since it costs a lot of money and returns are not as quick as one would demand.

So start-ups are constrained by these and several other factors, to ensure FAILURE. That may sound like a pessemisstic view .... but not really. I wanted to hit you between the eyes with some reality so you'll wake-up .... and put in the effort necessary to avoid the above pitfalls. Do that ... and you won't be a failure. You'll be one of the success we celebarte and point to.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oprah's 2008 address at Stanford

Oprah talks to graduates about feelings, failure and finding happiness

Not a small topic this is, finding happiness. But in some ways I think it's the simplest of all. Gwendolyn Brooks wrote a poem for her children. It's called "Speech to the Young : Speech to the Progress-Toward." And she says at the end, "Live not for battles won. / Live not for the-end-of-the-song. / Live in the along." She's saying, like Eckhart Tolle, that you have to live for the present. You have to be in the moment. Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now.

But I think she's also saying, be a part of something. Don't live for yourself alone. This is what I know for sure: In order to be truly happy, you must live along with and you have to stand for something larger than yourself. Because life is a reciprocal exchange. To move forward you have to give back. And to me, that is the greatest lesson of life. To be happy, you have to give something back.

I know you know that, because that's a lesson that's woven into the very fabric of this university. It's a lesson that Jane and Leland Stanford got and one they've bequeathed to you. Because all of you know the story of how this great school came to be, how the Stanfords lost their only child to typhoid at the age of 15. They had every right and they had every reason to turn their backs against the world at that time, but instead, they channeled their grief and their pain into an act of grace. Within a year of their son's death, they had made the founding grant for this great school, pledging to do for other people's children what they were not able to do for their own boy.

The lesson here is clear, and that is, if you're hurting, you need to help somebody ease their hurt. If you're in pain, help somebody else's pain. And when you're in a mess, you get yourself out of the mess helping somebody out of theirs. And in the process, you get to become a member of what I call the greatest fellowship of all, the sorority of compassion and the fraternity of service.

The Stanfords had suffered the worst thing any mom and dad can ever endure, yet they understood that helping others is the way we help ourselves. And this wisdom is increasingly supported by scientific and sociological research. It's no longer just woo-woo soft-skills talk. There's actually a helper's high, a spiritual surge you gain from serving others. So, if you want to feel good, you have to go out and do some good.

But when you do good, I hope you strive for more than just the good feeling that service provides, because I know this for sure, that doing good actually makes you better. So, whatever field you choose, if you operate from the paradigm of service, I know your life will have more value and you will be happy.

I was always happy doing my talk show, but that happiness reached a depth of fulfillment, of joy, that I really can't describe to you or measure when I stopped just being on TV and looking at TV as a job and decided to use television, to use it and not have it use me, to use it as a platform to serve my viewers. That alone changed the trajectory of my success.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Do Venture Capitalists Look For In A Start-Up Small Business .... Before Seriously Considering Offering Funding?

First, make sure you talk to venture capitalists who are focused on the area that you are in:. Understand their investment criteria including geographic and industry specialization, stage of company development, and size of investment preferences, return horizon, etc.

It is also important whether a fund will act as a lead investor .... and whether it has complementary or competing companies in its portfolio.

Then deliver on what they all typically require (you can ask them for any specific format they would like to see) ....

1. An innovative, differentiated business proposal, well spelt out in a brief and clear summary document and include .....

- what stage of development you are in, e.g. from 'no revenues/initial product development' to 'no revenues/product ready for launch' to 'product launched/some revenues.

- how you intend to protect and build your intellectual property from competitors .

- what is the specific purpose of raising funds, e.g. marketing, research, manufacturing, distribution, etc.

2. A clearly defined client group or market (and possibly hot client leads or research showing demand).

3. A first class, experienced and committed management team to make it happen (provide as much details as possible about past successes - having a great team is THE key requirement).

4. Financial commitment by the team members (skin in the game is very important).

5. A financial plan that shows exceptional growth potential and is based on realistic, justifiable assumptions (as this is your input into the valuation process).

A lot depends on the type of business and the situation however the first step is to ensure that you have a good proposition for any prospective financier.

OK… So what is a “good” application..?

1) You absolutely need to have a business plan. Without one of these you pretty much have no chance and as first impressions count, I wouldn’t suggest trying your hand without a business plan .... expecting that you’ll get a second shot by producing one and making another appointment!

2) You need to be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the business (or proposed business), your target market and the industry that you will be operating in.

3) The cash…. How much you need, why, how long will you need it for, and what you’ll be spending it on. It is important to state quite clearly how much you actually need.

For example if you ask for 100k when you actually need 150k .... but expect that the bank won’t go that high – the chances are that a savvy commercial lending manager will see through this. You’ll look as if you don’t have a true understanding of the finance requirements of your own business – and the answer won’t be the one you’re wanting to hear!

If you’re wanting the cash for use as working capital – ask yourself “Do I need all the money in one lump sum”? If the answer is no, then you can negotiate with the lender to release it in stages .... provided that you meet certain pre-defined milestones. This can be a more compelling business case for the lender as their risk is reduced in this instance.

In addition ....

Do you have anything that you can offer as security? This reduces the risk and makes the proposition appear more appealing.

Are you contributing any of your own funds to the venture? If so – again, this makes the proposition appear more appealing because it demonstrates your own belief in your venture. In short you are prepared to put your own assets on the line.

* Venture Capital – With VC’s they will want to acquire some equity in the venture in return for their cash (and may want to place someone on the board). However on the upside often they come with significant experience and contacts which can help to propel your business forward. They generally are less risk averse than the banks .... however their costs are higher. VC’s tend to want to keep the investment in the business for a relatively short time before harvest so they will want to have a clear exit strategy agreed at the outset.

Another option is Business Angels. They are similar to VC’s however they tend to want to assist new business ventures for more philanthropic reasons.

Finally, I’d suggest locating one of the government run business support agencies in your area. They are likely to have the latest information regarding grants and other funding that may be available ..... and may also be able to assist with developing a business plan and marketing strategy if you do not already have these in place.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Small Business Needs To Get Serious About Websites As A Marketing Channel

It appears to me that small businesses aren't taking online marketing and having their own websites serious enough. What a shame .... plain stupid if you allow me to be blunt.

I wonder if it is because of a lack of awareness .... or the technology tag ( admittedly sometimes scary for traditional businesses).

Personally I don't think it's really about technology awareness. Or at least it shouldn't be. If you don't embrace technology today you aren't going to survive. Period. If you refuse to "be aware" ... you're either stubborn or brain dead.

Rather, I believe many Small Businesses have websites but can't .... or more often than not don't .... rely upon them as a marketing channel to generate significant sales.

In these instances their marketing activities tend to be very tactical and personal. Such as relationship building, trade show participation, e-mail campaigns, distribution of product samples, proposal generation, cold calling, and traditional face-to-face sales calls.

All of these aren't bad and I don't mean to say they are. But a well done business website can compliment each of those activities IF it's done well. Plus, a quality business website opens up a whole new world of marketing potential .... that is actually more cost effective with a potentially much higher ROI. In other words reach more of your target market for less cost and result in more sales than "traditional" approaches.

We are seeing an almost explosive interest from small to very small companies looking to get their online marketing footprint in place.

Most are overwhelmed and don't know *how* to get started.

The web marketing firms I know that are doing extremely well landing small businesses as clients are spending time educating their prospects while dispelling the myths about online marketing.

Small business owners are typically street-smart individuals who frown on the pie-in-the-sky pitch from most online marketers. "Pay me $10k and I'll get you to page 1 of google" or "I can get you 10,000 twitter followers" or "I'll manage your PPC campaigns and drive you tons of traffic". Most of the people making these claims are not delivering so small business owners have tuned them out.

They are looking to do business with someone who can give them the facts, charge a fair fee and perform as agreed. If you can do that, you'll make a killing with the small business audience.

Now .... one resource I know that can meet that expectation is SBI.

I've friends and clients who are very pleased with their experience using SBI for web development and support of their small business website(s). The business websites they create for you are very reasonably priced, feature rich, and have SEO-SEM principles embedded directly into the design. SBI is also well known for their great customer support.

For more info go to: SBI Small Business Websites

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hosting Nation ..... Web Hosting Especially For Small Business

Hosting Nation is a phenominal service offering web hosting, domain names, and even web development. All for a very reasonable monthly or yearly cost. More than competitive with other available hosting services. I've even moved a couple of my websites to them recently.

Out of Parksville, British Columbia, Canada .... their portfolio of services includes web hosting, continuos data protection, web development, SEO, SEM (search engine marketing), web marketing, and domains to name just a few. Their web hosting and development services include over 80 tools and applications available for your use.

You should most definitely check out the Hosting Nation blog too (accessed through their main website). Sean Enns writes very informative pieces on Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Web Development, Web Marketing, Web Programming, Graphic Design, and more. You can get quite an eye opening education from Sean's insights and suggestions .... applied to your online efforts you'll see a definite postive impact too.

They have monthly and yearly hosting packages much cheaper than you'll find most anywhere else. I've shopped around ... and Hosting Nation's prices are more than competetive in an admittedly dog eat dog industry.

What follows is directly from the Hosting Nation website .... and will give you an idea of what is available as far as hosting accounts go. For you true technogeeks it has all the technospeak buzzwords you'd be looking for ;) ....


Our shared web hosting packages each come with a ton of tools and applications for only *$6.95 per month as well as plenty of space and bandwidth. Each shared hosting account comes with the following:

* 5 Gb of disk space
* 50 databases
* 50 Gb of bandwidth
* 50 FTP accounts
* 50 email addresses
* 10 mailing lists
* 50 parked domains
* 50 subdomains

Our server technology is modern and fast, we lease quad core Xeon 5430 servers from the SoftLayer datacenter in Seattle. The servers run CentOS Linux 5 and Apache version 2.2 and supports PHP 5, Perl and up to 50 MySQL databases.

Each hosting account also includes cPanel version 11 and the RVSkin theme. You will have access to over 80 applications, frameworks and libraries through Fantastico and Installatron including the popular Magento, Joomla and Wordpress platforms. You'll also receive real time log analysis with AwStats and our robust backup and data recovery system. Backups can be done manually every day, or you can use the R1Soft continuous data protection console to select from 15 different snapshots of your site to restore a database, a single piece of data or your entire site.

Uptime monitoring is provided in real time by Hyperspin and each account comes with both SpamAssassin and ClamAV virus protection.

Switching hosting is very simple, when you transfer your site to Hosting Nation, we'll move your site for you. We'll also give you a credit towards any hosting remaining on your current plan up to one year.


Now that you've heard about it ... go look for yourself at Hosting Nation

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Great resource

Don Dodge on The Next Big Thing: Boston startup events, resources, people you need to know

How To Get Your Small Business Listed High In The Top Major Search Engines .... Custom SEO With A Guarantee

Getting a high search engine ranking for your business website can be time consuming, frustrating, expensive, and often with results no better than taking a shot in the dark.

What if you could have it all done for you ... with a guarantee of results at a price that'll have you doing backflips? will help you get your business listed in the major local search results. Get listed locally with Google, Yahoo, MSN, Yellowpages and other top search engines with their monthly data feed.

They create a profile for you that tells the search engines who you are, where you are located and what you offer. Your results appear based on keywords and phrases typed in by consumers. You can update your business profile once a month in one location and they will make the change in over 180 locations in your local area.

They also offer a guarantee ... you pay only when and while you are listed 1st page top 10 in searches for the key words you choose.

If you are interested in learning more ... I suggest you first use their Quick Contact form (on their website) to talk it over with a marketing professional. Then they'll know exactly what you need from them .... and you'll know exactly what they can do for you. This will enable you to move ahead with confidence and a complete understanding of how the process will work for you.

You can see all this for yourself here: WebBizClicks

Monday, October 19, 2009

News For Business Women ..... Women of Today Goes Global!

Women of Today Inc., a professional group for women in business that focuses on supporting their members market their business has just announced they are now open to International members.

Women of Today was started by Sherry Simoes in 2005 in her small town of 1900 people as an attempt to connect the local business women. It went over so well that word spread and they quickly grew to 5 area chapters and over 100 local members.

Marketing comes natural to Sherry and it is her passion to help women connect and grow in business. She also started Women of Today Magazine, co-op magazines (online and in print) as one way to give the members a professional and affordable way to promote their businesses.

The group offers marketing support, co-op advertising, educational workshops and tools and resources to help the members succeed in their marketing efforts.

Now women across the globe can enjoy the same benefits as the members who join a physical chapter. Although currently the majority of the members are Canadian, women are beginning to join form the Us and the other areas across the globe.

Sherry has experienced the power of networking globally and feels that it is a valuable aspect that has been added. She has plans to guide the members through the process so they can learn the art of social networking.

Women of Today also coaches the international members on how to start a networking group in their area and has a system set up for success. The first group will be getting started in California very soon.

They have just implemented a 30 day free trial so you can experience what they have to offer. You can start your free trial today at Women Of Today Inc.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Open Source Software Applications For Small Business

For small business, business process and access to information is critical. The ability to respond to a customer and solve their problem in a timely professional matter is why they're in business.

I am writing with regards to the technology of today that will enable a small business to do just that. I want to make you aware of open source software applications and why it should be what all businesses small and large should be migrating to.

Open source application's code is available to the entire community and are free to all users, "bugs" are identified and corrected by the community of users, enhancements can be made by anyone in the community and then returned to the community for everyone's use. The codes is never "not supported" anymore by the MFG (such as a Microsoft) requiring you to purchase a new version of it. And best of all, it is free to all users.

A small business needs an IT infrastructure, but normally does not have the resources to procure this need, such as an SAP, Oracle or other ERP solution. Which again, versions can be deemed no longer supported and code cannot be changed or updated by the users, only the MFG of the software.

One resource small business owners should take advantage of are the folks at CyberOptic Group who are business partners of OpenBravo, an open source ERP software application. CyOp provides enterprise-class commerce solutions to small to mid-sized businesses featuring: NO Capital Expenses, NO Licensing Fees, NO Technical Administrator Needed, NO Proprietary Vendor "Lock-In', Multi-Platform Web-Based Architecture, Highly Secure & Fault Tolerant Infrastructure & Rapid Deployment.

CyOp also provides a free business process assessment of how the small business processes their information and gives them advice of streamlining and integrating a fully automated system, enabling them to reduce costs, improve productivity thereby increasing revenue.

CyOp offers their service to help you drive your client's business into the future .... and would be happy to do a conference call with their technical staff to discuss this new technology with you. In these economic times, we need to change the way we do business and understand the future of technology.

For more information go to: CyOp

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Federal Assistance For Small Businesses

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are two competitively awarded, highly specialized forms of federal funding for small firms (less than 500 employees) to perform cutting-edge R&D that addresses the nation's (government and industry) most critical scientific and engineering needs. These needs span the technology spectrum -- from aviation and agriculture to medicine and manufacturing. Annually over $2.4 billion in contracts and grants are awarded to small businesses by the 11 federal agencies participating in these programs.

For small business and startups engaged in research and development of innovative technology applications and seeking information on the federal SBIR/STTR programs, the University of Southern Mississippi’s Business & Innovation Assistance Center has developed and placed online a series of useful presentations describing these federal programs and how to better compete in them.

These presentations cover:

* the differences between contract and grant agencies and what this means to the company and the development of the proposal;

* tutorials and basic framework for writing the Phase 1 proposal;

* elements of developing a cost/budget proposal;

* Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) and their role in the SBIR proposal/project;

* development of partnerships and contracting with universities, consultants and other companies to support the Phase 1 project;

* SBIR and related federally funded R&D efforts and their role in the company and its business plan; and,

* The commercialization plan and Phase 3 commercialization

The presentations are available at: USM/BIAC

Monday, October 12, 2009

Don't Just Advertise...PR Optimize.

Lamar Morgan of CDMM - Synergistic Business Marketing can take any size display ad bigger than a business card and turn it into a mini marketing campaign...for just double the price of the display ad. (That cost includes posting your ad in any publication for you.)

How is that possible? Answer: PR optimization. Lamar can link your display ad to an SMR (Social Media Press Release) that gets promoted through numerous social media resources - including Twitter, Facebook, and Squidoo, among others. With this effort viewership tracking is included. Plus, this online innovation makes it possible for the public to subscribe to future press releases concerning your business.

Want to see some SMR's? Just click My SMR's. Believe it or not, every display ad you run could easily become its own Social Media Release link.

Also, if you have ever needed to get an answer to an important question in a hurry, but did not know who to ask, I encourage to ask Aardvark. Here is a way to get answers to important questions from REAL PEOPLE around the world, usually in just FIVE MINUTES. Check it out at Aardvark

Remember, don't just advertise. Create more "buzz" for your business. PR optimize.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

MacBook wireless very unstable -

MacBook wireless very unstable -

I am having this problem as well - on a 4 month old Macbook with an Apple Airport Extreme Base station. It seems to be something with having a large number of wireless networks around and the connection cuts out every few minutes requiring me to restart the airport card. Come on Apple, you're better than this.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Fractional Marketing Department .... Help For Small Business Marketing Efforts

Today's small- to medium-sized business owner is slammed from all sides: The economy is in the tank, banks are not lending, customers are drying up, it's harder to get good peole to do their jobs. Running their business has become all they do.

Most understand the need for marketing, but it isn't a priority. Most would agree they could benefit from having a marketing manager running the marketing for their company, brands and products, but who has the cash flow to support them?

The answer may be in a new concept developed last year: The Fractional Marketing Department. Based on the concept first used by NetJets, the idea is this ..... The small businessman can't afford a full-time marketing manager, but they can afford a piece of one. Like NetJets spreads the cost of ownership of corporate jets among many buyers, this new company does the same for the cost of marketing talent.

The key is to actually take on the responsibility of managing the marketing plan for the company, not just consulting with the owner. The second part is to have a network of resources you can call on at the appropriate time to do the job that needs done. Need a new website? Got a website designer. The difference is that TFMD actually manages the design proejct for the small business owner. You pay the designer for the work done, but only for the work done. You know in advance what your website will look like, and what it will cost to produce it, so you can control your expenses. Having TFMD manage the project means you can spend more time doing what you does best: Running your business.

TFMD works on a project by project basis on most things, though they can also be put on a retainer to handle the day to day marketing needs of the client, such as maintaining website content, managing advertising placement and media buys, writing and distributing press releases, etc. They often tell their clients and prospects that their company is like a maid service for marketing. They only come in once or twice a month, but when they do, they make sure what needs to be done to promote the company's brands and products is being handled. They're also there when there's special jobs that need to be done, like a fall or Christmas campaign, or adding functionality to the website.

For more information go to: DMZ Marketing Network

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

eStudio .... Multi-Faceted Software Tool For Small Businesses

One of the first things you can do when you start up a new business, or help someone start one, is fire up eStudio from same-page. This is one of the best small business tools ever created.

Here is some info on it...

Same-Page eStudio provides project management software, document management software, calendar software and contact management software that improves workflow and enhances communication between workgroups and clients. eStudio is web-based groupware software; perfect for businesses, agencies, and organizations with multiple offices or for companies that have staff that works from home. eStudio is a scalable product that will grow with your business, and can be set-up in minutes.

It has a neat interface that allows you to use it with any 3G phone, its free for the first month and the basic suite is like $50/month for unlimited users.

For more information go to: Same-Page

Monday, October 5, 2009

Unique Promotional Item For Small Businesses .... Wire Names

Dave Maskin "The WireMan" creates a unique wire name promotional item at corporate and private parties, meetings, conferences, seminars, fundraisers, conventions, trade shows and by mail order. A unique addition to any small business marketing campaign.

Names stand up, creating a striking 3D keepsake that appeals to everyone

Helping ALL businesses attract potential clients with a unique approach to marketing, public relations and advertising .....

Increase your Trade Show ROI .....

Attract more potential clients to your trade show booth .....

Names are created from beautiful 14 gauge aluminum wire. Each name stands up, creating a 3D script name that appeals to everyone.

Great for all ages ....

Guests hold onto their Wire Names forever!

* 60 names created per hour. A caricaturist can only do 10 per hour.

* Other favors get thrown away. Guests place Wire Names on a mantelpiece, windowsill, desk, or breakfront where they see it every day.

* Each time they look at their wire name, guests are reminded of the event where they acquired it. Plus they are reminded of YOUR business.

Check out Dave's video here: The Wire Man

Located just outside of New York City and available for appearances throughout the USA.

For more information go to: WireNames

Friday, October 2, 2009

Startup Help .... Business Readiness Report & Workbook On Selecting A Startup Business .... All Free

LaunchX, the company offering the most complete step-by-step startup system on the market, now provides a free Business Readiness Report just for the asking.

The ten-question survey requests basic information about where you are in the startup process, such as how much capital is needed, where the funding will come from, which business issues are the biggest concern, and the like.

Within 24 hours, LaunchX emails a customized 20+ page report that thoroughly reviews your responses and provides advice on specific issues to consider. Obviously, the purpose of the report is to encourage the use of the LaunchX System for planning and launching a business, but the content is not merely an advertisement for the product but actually provides good advice and things to think about.

Currently, the link to this free report is included on every page of the LaunchX website at LaunchX

Also .... LaunchX now offers a free Chapter and Workbook on Selecting the Right Business For You.

Laid out in a similar style to the rest of the LaunchX System, the text provides suggestions for brainstorming business ideas and narrowing down the results to find an idea (or two) that work.

The Workbook pages provide the framework for working through the brainstorming process and evaluating the skills and experience needed to succeed.

Links to the free Selecting the Right Business for You Chapter are currently available on every page of the LaunchX website at LaunchX

Plus .... LaunchX now offers the LaunchX System in 5 separate Units.

Each Unit covers a specific aspect of starting a business and includes the appropriate portion of the LaunchX Handbook and Workbook, as well as critical small business software.

The full LaunchX System, which includes all five Units, sells for $1495, while the individual Units are listed at $349 to $399 each. Although purchasing the separate Units will cost more overall, it is a good option if planning the startup will take several months or for detailed information on only one specific area.

The five Units are:

• Unit 1 – Idea Into Action: The focus here is on developing your business idea into a basic plan for starting up and running a company. In addition, there is a heavy focus on preparing to be a successful entrepreneur with discussions on networking, time management, and organization. Unit 1 also includes the LaunchX Planner, featuring the fully customizable Uncalendar insert, and ACT! contact management software to encourage the development of a customer database during the planning stages. $349

• Unit 2 – Reach Your Market: The marketing Unit works through developing a thorough marketing plan from identifying and detailing the target market(s) to setting an objective-based budget for promoting the business. The Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the available promotional routes, including well-developed guidelines for working with a dedicated sales staff and encouragement to seek out free and low-cost opportunities. Includes website software with a free year of hosting and the Logo Creator. $399

• Unit 3 – Money Matters: This Unit is all about the numbers – budgets, sales forecasts, pro forma financial statements, and financing the business. The step-by-step format makes the financials very simple and clear, especially helpful for those who are not “numbers people” but also good practice for knowing what every number on the financial statements means. The chapter on financing your startup is comprehensive and emphasizes the capital-raising routes that most entrepreneurs use – bootstrapping, self-funding, family and friend investors – over those that are most often considered but more difficult to secure – bank loans, equity investments. With the tools provided here, any legitimate business idea should be able to find funding. $349

• Unit 4 – Hit the Ground Running: The emphasis in this Unit is to ensure everything is in place for launch – Peachtree Accounting, internal systems and controls, business planning, and the like. The Action section includes a comprehensive checklist of things to be completed prior to opening as well as detailed overviews of internal protections and SOPs that will minimize risk. In addition, there are in-depth discussions of how to review and evaluate both financial statements and marketing efforts, as well as worksheets to track progress and set objectives for improving overall profitability. Includes Peachtree Pro Accounting and OfficeReady document template software. $399

• Unit 5 – Employer’s Manual: This Unit is an absolutely complete guide for any entrepreneur who plans to hire employees. It covers every legal, organizational, and managerial issue related to hiring and working with a staff. There are discussions of different staffing options, such as temporary or independent contractor workers as well as detailed information on every aspect of staffing a business from recruiting through evaluations and termination. Includes Office Policy Manual software for developing a customized Manual for any business. $349

The overall system is very complete, with comprehensive, accurate information on just about every conceivable startup topic as well as easy step-by-step Workbook pages for every topic to work through specific business ideas.

For the first-time entrepreneur, the LaunchX System really does teach you everything you need to know and provide the basic software tools that every business should have. For seasoned entrepreneurs, the individual Units provide very effective coverage of their topics and can be ideal for building knowledge in weaker areas.