How and when can you remove negative feedback you’ve received online.
This is the big questions
that many small business are struggling with today.
In order to remove negative feedback from online reviews you must first identify the source of the feedback.
Neil Licht, Privacy Internet Investigator, offers this approach as the most reliable approach. “Online reputation management firms need investigative teams with experienced forensic investigators that will not only detect negative feedback but track it back to the source” says Licht. “Most firms only burry them way down the search results order and do not get the comments permanently removed. If only buried, Inevitably, these negative comments do surface again to influence folks.”
The removal process must be done as follows:.
Once identified it’s grouped into one of the following classifications: competitor, disgruntled employee, misleading or out of date information, fake or spam.
Now that you have identified the source and classification of the negative feedback, you can start tracking the complaint links and remove them from from coming up in search results on the Internet.
A complaint link can appear on a number of websites and usually ranks very well on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
Many of the complaint websites like , and Yelp also rank very well due to the volume of users and feedback links attached to the complaint.
When someone searches for you and you have a complaint on one of these sites, the complaint link will most likely rank in the top Search results on leading search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
The complaint links must be removed from these sites, not just suppress which is only a temporary fix resulting in the negative feedback returning.
Honest and Reliable Online Reputation Management Companies utilize innovative products and technology to remove negative feedback from attacks for clients but only when it is determined to be competitor driven, disgruntled employees, fake or spam.
Says Licht “A trustworthy one will not remove truthful feedback and or reviews that are the actual current representation of the client and or there business.”
- Their Investigative Team will work to remove not just suppress negative online content.
- They specialize in uncovering the source of the negative feedback.
- They will contest the review at the source.
- Their experienced forensic investigators can detect and identify the source and remove negative articles and blogs that are determined to be misleading, fake or spam.
- Their legal advisor will send ‘cease and desist’ orders to the perpetrators of out-of- date, false, misleading and fake information. They will demand that the individuals who are responsible for these negative posts to immediately remove this information.
There’s more to it however since keeping your reputation solid is a full time job. “After they finish restoring your online image, as a trustworthy company they will protect it with 24/7 monitoring using automatic tools for alerts of what is being said about your firm from every review site, blog post, news article, forum & social media outlet on the Internet.” says Licht
To learn more about how to remove negative feedback and protect your online business reputation ask for a free consultation or call today for a confidential consultation at 1- 508-481-8567. Neil Licht