Friday, January 28, 2011

Stressed Out?

Most of us have been stressed working at home at some point. Aside from the stress of having to find new clients and new jobs, we often encounter stress because jobs come in unsteady streams. Some days our to do list is almost empty, and the following days it seems like we can hardly keep up.

Deadlines can be overwhelming, and when one is stressed the brain is no longer focused on creativity and action.

When stress levels stack up, here what to do. First, reduce stress by stopping. Sounds a bit basic, and it's really hard to do but take a break and when you come back to it you will be able to concentrate better.

The next step is to find a way to deal with your stress. A simple way is to avoid the circumstance that leads to our stress--but often this is not feasible. Another way is to change how we react to stress but that takes time to find a way that will work for you.

The easiest and fastes fix is to set a few simple strategies in place that will keep us in control of your time...and your sanity.

Tips for dealing with working at home stress-

1) Eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Reduce or eliminate caffeine (coffee, black and green tea, cola drinks, and chocolate). Because caffeine is a stimulant, it can make you feel more anxious.

2) Exercise. It relieves tension and provides a timeout from stressful situations.

3) Try to take time everyday to slow down and do something you enjoy, even if it is just for a few minutes. Reading a magazine, playing with your dog, listening to music, reading a book or any other activity that helps you forget the stresses of your day can calm you and help you remember what is important.

4) Work at being cheerful and optimistic. Use humor to lighten difficult situations.

5) Take very long, relaxing deep breaths anytime you notice you're feeling stressed.

6) If the nature of any of your tasks allow it, call upon a colleague who can help you. If you've never done this before, now is the perfect time to start. The nice thing about this sort of arrangement is your colleague will most likely send jobs your way when he or she gets overloaded.

7) Organizing and simplifying your life. If one of your main sources of stress is the sheer number of things that need to be done, getting organized should help you feel more at peace. A good sense of organization will also make you more efficient. Simplifying your life also should help you feel less overwhelmed.

Set Achievable Daily Goals. If you finish a task ahead of schedule, start the next... but stick to a definite cut-off time each day. What you are doing this week is set up a system that will continue to work for you.

Follow these tips and before you know it, your home business dream will be on track once again.

For more tips on dealing with stress check out my new website