Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Stanford online classes

Dear students,

We're very proud to announce 5 new Stanford classes to be offered on Venture Lab this Fall. Here is the list:
  1. Technology Entrepreneurship, Chuck Eesley
  2. Start-up Boards, Clint Korver
  3. A Crash Course on Creativity, Tina Seelig
  4. Designing a New Learning Environment, Paul Kim
  5. Finance, Kay Giesecke
My technology entrepreneurship is going to be a repeat of last Spring's class. It is also an opportunity for those of you who were too busy in the Spring to take the class on a fully developed platform. Clint Korver's class on startup boards is the first in our advanced series on entrepreneurship. The class is more suitable for those of you who already have formed a team. I highly recommend it!!

We look forward to seeing you in the next classes. Meanwhile, please spread the word to your colleagues and friends and on social networks.

PS. Until we migrate your information to the new site, you can access the data from Spring's class on