Thursday, August 12, 2010

Proven Small Business Tools ..... Online

Tired of going from site to site to find reliable, usable, proven small business tools?

Are you one of those small business owners that surf the internet and get overwhelmed with all the information and are not sure what you can use and what you can’t? C2online specializes in small business tools and templates, and are a one stop shop website for many aspects of your business.

Their products are an easy start to meet the needs of a business and some of the products are also a compliment to any existing small business bookkeeping software. 

C2online has unique products that have been researched and developed with over 20 years of small business experience specializing in bookkeeping and administration. Not only are these products unique, some are free. Also, some of these products have been audited and accepted by Revenue Canada.

C2online can also assist you with these questions:

1. Are you looking for small business tax deductions, employee taxable benefits or business tax credit?

2. Did you know you can purchase luxury real estate as a taxable benefit and deduction or as a vacation ownership investment?

3. Canada Revenue Agency provides you a 100% tax deductable opportunity to travel while exploring tax strategies and improving your business.

Click here to learn more .... C2Online

C2online is really the one stop shop with reliable, usable proven products and advice.