Thursday, November 27, 2008


IMG_0553, originally uploaded by eesley.

I spent last week at Duke visiting Jie as well as catching up with Kim and Virginia. I also met with some professors who I used to work with at Duke Med Center and the Health Policy group.

It was a great trip and included a hike at the Eno River (picture) which is one of my favorite places to go for a walk.

I'm just having a relaxing Thanksgiving here in Cambridge today and resting since I've been sick the past few days. I've got some travel coming up with job talks at London Business School Jan. 12th and USC Jan. 14th. Exciting times and I am eager to see where I will wind up for next year.

I'm also very thankful/grateful on this Thanksgiving holiday, most of all for my wonderful friends and family as well as all the tremendous opportunities I've been given.