Uttama, Dennis, and Anita are traveling together to India this month to inaugurate the new facility at the Autrali School for Girls!
Congratulations to all who helped make this project happen, from financial contributions to research and vision to construction and management!
There is still lots of opportunity for individuals or organizations to support the Anoopa Sharma Foundation's development project.The first phase of Project Anoopa involved construction of a multi-purpose facility, providing the Autrali School for Girls new space for a library, computer room, and community meeting hall. The cost of this phase was about $34,000. As of about August, the total of all donations in the Anoopa Foundation account reached a bit less than $10,000. Work on the project is continuing strong thanks to the Sharma family's personal funds. Additional contributions are very welcome to help lower the family's costs.
Contributions go the furthest when made via check, sent directly to the bank or the Sharma's home. See details under Memorial Fund. Donations can also be made online via Paypal--there's just a percentage taken out of the contribution for the convenience of the Paypal transaction.